Bradley Animal Hospital - Lawrence, KS - Laser Surgery

Bradley Animal Hospital

935 East 23rd Street
Lawrence, KS 66046


Laser Surgery


paw divider


Surgical Suite

We are pleased to offer CO2 laser surgery as a more comfortable alternative to traditional surgery. The laser can replace the scalpel in many procedures which helps reduce the trauma to your pet and improves recovery time.


What are the advantages of laser surgery?

Less Bleeding: As it cuts, the laser seals small blood vessels which minimizes bleeding during surgery.

Less Pain: The laser seals nerve endings as it cuts, so the patient experiences a far more comfortable post-operative recovery.

Reduced risk of infection: The laser efficiently kills bacteria in its path, producing a sterilizing effect.

Quicker recovery time: Reduced risk of infection, less bleeding, less pain and less swelling often allow the patient a quicker recovery after surgery.

Precision: The beam can be controlled precisely to remove thin layers of tissue producing minimal side effects to the surrounding tissue.


When do our doctors use the laser?

Our doctors use the laser on dogs, cats and other small animals. They perform all of our spays and neuters with the laser, mass removals from the skin and mouth, and abdominal surgeries are also done with the laser. Declaws are much more comfortable with this technology also!


What is a laser?

LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation. The laser generates an intense beam of light at a certain wavelength allowing our veterinarians to precisely control their incisions.

Other information about our surgery procedures

We provide continuous nurse monitoring throughout surgery and recovery. Along with our electronic monitors our nurses monitor anesthesia, heart-rate, blood pressure and CO2 levels.  We also believe in keeping pets pain-free so our nurses and assistants are closely watching for any signs of discomfort. Protocols are tailored to suit each pet on an individual level so we can keep your pet as comfortable as possible.


Our doctors routinely perform the following procedures:

Spay and Neuter Surgery, feline declaws (2 or 4 paws), soft tissue surgery, tumor removals, abdominal surgery, eye/ear procedures, orthopedic surgery, biopsy, endoscopy, and dental procedures.

Staff Preparing for Surgery